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Name:F6 medium efficiency bag filter
Product Features:
 F6 in bag filter efficiency: the bag color is green, efficiency is 60% - 65%, early resistance; 55 standard sack: 8, 6, 3. Size requirements we can root tree customer actual requirements tailored.

Description Parameter
 F6 effect in bag filter; Is in effect an bag filter efficiency of filter, the main air capture work in 1-5 um particles of dust and various suspended its main characteristic is that the structure of the solid design, gather dust rate high service life is long, low initial resistance, air volume is large, light structure is convenient for installation.

F6 in bag filter efficiency: the bag color is green, efficiency is 60% - 65%, early resistance; 55 standard sack: 8, 6, 3. Size requirements we can root tree customer actual requirements tailored.

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