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Name:Chemical modular filter
Category:HEPA filter
Product Features:
Chemical filter module specifically designed to control all kinds of acid and alkaline air system and gas concentration of organic compounds, so as to effectively control the quality of the clean indoor air, improve the yield of the product, and get rid of harmful gases. It is widely used in OLED, TFT-LCD, semiconductor and other electronic industries

Description Parameter
Chemical modular filters are specially designed to control the concentration of acidic, alkaline and organic compounds in fresh air system, so as to effectively control the air quality in clean room, improve the yield of products, and eliminate harmful gases to human body. It is widely used in OLED, TFT-LCD, semiconductor and other electronic industries. Mainly installed in the fresh air system, between efficiency and efficiency.
The material of the box can be made of stainless steel, spray galvanized iron, aluminum and other materials. The inner part of the box can be inserted with 6 pieces, 8 pieces, 10 pieces and 12 pieces of chemical filters in the shape of W, which can be selected according to the air volume and concentration in the field. The filter media mainly include ion exchange resin, impregnated activated carbon, alumina and so on.
Chemical modular filter VariSorb HC filter can effectively remove indoor or outdoor common air pollutants under high wind, and improve indoor air quality (IAQ). It is suitable for installation in HVAC system, and also can use equipment,
Large capacity of filter material
Low resistance type V
Corrosion resistant, non metallic structure
- SAAFCarb, SAAFOxidant, SAAFBlend GP filter media can be used
Incineration treatment
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